il FotoStudio offers many kinds of photographic services for any needs of our clients. These are some of the areas that we cover.

We realize many kinds of portraits as shootings for actors or dancers in studio or outside, passport photos, fashion editorials, family portraits, etc.

Weddings and cerimonies
We are part of About a Wedding, a team of photographers and videomakers specialized in this kind of photography. You can see some wedding reportages here.
We cover also baptisms, eucharists, parties and other events such as congresses and travels.

Catalogs and e-commerce

Interiors and architecture

We have the right tools to shot pictures of dresses, accessories, objects on white backgrounds for e-commerce websites. We also realize catalogs for designer and images to be used on social networks for advertise brands and companies.
Works of Art
We take pictures of interiors of shops, hotels, apartments, etc. We realize architecture editorials for catalogs and magazines.

We shot works of artists for personal catalogs, exhibitions and websites. We capture colors in realistic way and we show the tinest details to make people enjoy more each piece of art.
We realize portraits in studio or outside of dogs and other animals, alone or with their masters.